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〈生活流域 No.2〉 Life Stream No.2


〈生活流域 No.2〉 Life Stream No.2

莊臥龍 Chuang Wo-Long

2015,油畫,102x102x6.5cm 莊臥龍善於透過空間與色彩的建構,呈現生命經驗中,不同層次的轉換狀態。作品〈生活流域 No.2〉,透過各種色彩的明暗對比,在畫面中層層疊疊地交互拼貼,色彩元素的堆積、變化,反映生活都是很多小片段所積累起來的。他用色彩表達環境的氛圍和生活的節奏。莊臥龍認為,空間與色彩的變動,就像持續變化的外部空間,經由創作,運用色塊的位移與重組,融合各種感受與記憶的模糊殘影,試圖在混雜的生活體驗中,尋求內在的角色定位與自我調適。 Chuang Wo-Long’s masterful construction of space and colors expresses different transitions in life. In Life Stream No.2, he put layers upon layers of colors on the canvas, creating contrasts in shades of colors. The coats of variant colors reflect the small fragments that build up what we call life. Colors are his way of expressing the atmosphere in the surroundings and the tempo of life. To Chuang, spatial and color changes in art are just like the constant changes in the external world. When he moves and regroups the colors, he is also blending the blurred fragments of feelings and memories from a mixture of life experiences in order to make an inward search to identify his role and to adapt himself.