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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

類山水系列no.57 Net Sichuan Painting Environment


類山水系列no.57 Net Sichuan Painting Environment

袁慧莉 Yuan Hui-Li

年代: 2018 媒材: 水墨顏料、紙 / Ink and color on paper 尺寸: 81.5x124.5cm 〈類山水〉系列開始於2007年,水墨藝術家袁慧莉當時面臨人生的重大轉折點,促使她開始思考如何走出一條與過去不同的道路。她在創作上轉向探索內在的感受,以女性視角作為路徑,將情緒轉化為多樣的點線皴法,將思念化成絲絲細線、淚水化作點,心煩意亂化為彎曲糾結的線條,不同的濃淡、捲曲方式,皆透露出心思的微妙變化。她的作品中,山石不只是山石,而是情感、思緒與生命的軌跡。〈類山水系列No.57〉以傳統水墨畫少見的藍色為底,運用不同的山石結構佈局,使畫面具有混雜而多元的樣貌。在奇山異石間的黃色捲曲蕨類,則是屬於臺灣這塊土地的特殊圖像,藉此展現島嶼文化的特色。 The “They Shanshui Series” began in 2007. Ink artist Yuan Hui-Li was facing a major turning point in her life which prompted her to think about taking a path different from that of the past. In her creative work, she started exploring her inner feelings, using the female perspective as her path. She transformed emotions into various points and lines, turned thoughts into thin lines, tears into dots, and anxiety and distraction into curved or tangled lines. Different shades of light and dark or curved, twisting lines reveal subtle changes of mind. In his works, mountains and rocks are not just mountains and rocks, but the traces of his emotions, thoughts, and life. They Shanshui Series No. 57 uses the color blue as its base, when blue is a relatively rare color in traditional ink painting, and the use of different rock structures in this composition gives it a mixed, varied appearance. The yellow curly ferns emerging among the unusual mountains and rocks are a special image belonging to Taiwan—and the artist uses this to show the distinctiveness of the island culture.