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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

溪山清遠 Pure and Remote View of Stream and Mountains


溪山清遠 Pure and Remote View of Stream and Mountains

張碩尹 Chang Ting-Tong

年代: 2018 媒材: 墨水、紙本 / Ink on paper 尺寸: 90x100cm 南宋畫家夏圭的作品〈溪山清遠〉,是中國山水畫的經典之作。藝術家張碩尹借用這個充滿人文雅趣的作品名稱,從夏圭畫作中虛實相生的留白意境,發展出用空氣創作的創新手法,藉以闡述現代愈來愈嚴重的空汙議題。這件作品所使用的媒材,來自於臺北市不同地點空氣中的懸浮微粒,張碩尹與臺大環境衛生研究所合作,在實驗室中以取樣的懸浮微粒,調配出因污染程度高低而濃度、質地不同的墨水,再運用這特殊的空汙墨水,以想像的方式重新描繪屬於現代的山水風景。從空氣污染到墨水,透過人的身體產出畫作,這個物質形態轉換的過程,也凸顯了個體、環境與社會的交互關係。 The title for this painting, Pure and Remote View of Stream and Mountains, is the same as a great classic of Chinese landscape painting by Xia Gui of the Southern Song dynasty. Chang Ting-Tong borrowed the very elegant title because of Xia Gui’s use of mutually generating blank and solid spaces. On this basis, Chang developed a new approach to rendering the atmosphere when explaining the increasingly serious issue of air pollution in modern times. The media used in this work comes from suspended particles in the air taken at different locations in Taipei City. In cooperation with National Taiwan University’s Institute of Environmental Health, Chang Ting-Tong used the suspended particles sampled in the laboratory to formulate inks of different thickness, based on the relative air pollution level. He then used this special “air pollution ink” and his imagination to draw a new, distinctively modern landscape. This process of converting things—from air pollution to ink, from the human body to paintings—also highlights the interactions among individuals, the environment, and society.