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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

旅行的儀式 The ritual of travel
旅行的儀式 The ritual of travel


旅行的儀式 The ritual of travel

洪韵婷 Hung Yun-Ting

年代: 2018 媒材: 壓克力板 / Laser cutting acrylic plate 尺寸: 35.6 x 35.6 x 4.6 cm x 6p 藝術家洪韵婷希望透過作品,呈現現代人科技發達,對於交通、移動與旅行的渴望,在作品〈旅行的儀式〉,他以雷射雕刻壓克力板,並裱上木框,做出六件分別對應機場場景的影像,從出發到抵達依序排列,並垂直裝置在牆上,影像鑲嵌在淺色的木框中,就像是旅行留下的照片一般。當觀眾跟著經過中介區的海關、候機室、空橋,就彷彿去到了遙遠的彼方與國度。洪韵婷運用空間堆疊出時間的序列,順著一道道充滿儀式性的窗景,穿越的過程彷彿實現了人們旅行的位移。而穿透影像的光影,在牆面上映出了人們的輪廓,這些輪廓既代表著他人,同時也代表著自己。 The artist Hung Yun-Ting hopes to use her works to show modern high-tech, as well as how people crave transportation, mobility, and travel. In her work, The Ritual of Travel, she has mounted six laser-engraved acrylic panels in light-colored wooden frames to make six separate pieces, with images corresponding to airport scenes arranged in the sequence from departure to arrival. Each frame is then mounted on the wall from one side. The embedded images are like photographs from a trip. As the viewer passes by, it is as if he or she is going through customs, the waiting area, the boarding bridge, and so on, on their way to a distant country. Hung Yun-Ting stacks a chronological sequence through space, so that the viewer passes through the windowed sequence of one after another ritualistic scene; passing through is like the realization of displacement in travel. The images, cast as people’s silhouettes on the wall, represent not only other people but also the viewers themselves.