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Lumière : The Enlightenment and Self-Awakening of Taiwanese Culture

MoNTUE, Museum of National Taipei University of Education

The Musha Incident
The Musha Incident


The Musha Incident

Postcard collection in the Gallery of Taiwanese Aboriginal Artifacts of the Museum of the Government-General of Taiwan, 1915. Courtesy of The Archives of Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica Photo of Shiotsuki Tōho standing in front of his work Mother, 1932. Courtesy of Shiotsuki Mitsuo Diary pages of Chhòa Pôe-hóe (Tshuà Puê-hué, Tsai Pei-huo) regarding the Bū-siā (Musha, Wushe) Incident, 1930. Courtesy of National Museum of Taiwan Literature