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國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 X 國立臺南生活美學館 X 西屹設計

【著地藏鋒】勾勒填彩 Wisdom of Modest, Eastern Gouache (Outline filling colors)


【著地藏鋒】勾勒填彩 Wisdom of Modest, Eastern Gouache (Outline filling colors)

許良進 Liang-Ching Hsu|技術保存者 Cultural Heritage Preservers

畫布、丙烯 Canvas, Acrylic Paint / With frame: 115 × 205 許良進先生久涉學術及深研傳統工藝。在傳統建築彩繪中,門神彩繪的主角人物設定象徵主祀神明的神格位階,透過合適的門神人物用以表徵莊嚴,也意象著驅邪揚善、護佑鄉里。畫作主題為【著地藏鋒】意指人們在身處的環境中,能力本是我們面對一切本應具足的求善本能,但每個人對於事物的自我見解與釋義有可能會偏移善的本意而造成誤解,起因於立足點相異因此【藏鋒】的哲學更顯重要。 Liang-Ching Hsu has devoted in academic and in-depth study of traditional crafts longtime. In the paintings of traditional architecture, the main character of the door god painting is set to symbolize the divine rank of the enshrined god. The appropriate door god figure is used to represent solemnity, and it also symbolizes exorcizing evil, promoting good, and protecting the village. The subject of this artwork, Wisdom of Modest, means no matter we are in what kind of environment and situation, people have the ability to look for kindness. Although due to the self-understandings and definitions of different things, there may be misunderstandings. Due to the fact that everyone is different, the importance of ‘being modest’ therefore is the most important thing.