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國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 X 國立臺南生活美學館 X 西屹設計

工藝列車 Train of Craft Arts
工藝列車 Train of Craft Arts


工藝列車 Train of Craft Arts

謝嘉亨 Chia-Heng Hsieh

陶瓷釉彩 Ceramic Glaze / L90×W12×H20 CT150 是顏水龍1937年由日本返台乘坐的蒸氣火車,用半年時間考察台灣工藝美術發展。 火車勾著車廂行駛於同一方向產生巨大動能,陶瓷蒸氣列車也象徵著工藝團結互助的精神和力量! CT150 was the steam train that Shui-Long Yen took when he returned to Taiwan from Japan in 1937. He spent half a year investigating the development of Taiwan’s craft arts. The train hooks the carriages together and travels in the same direction, generating immense kinetic energy. The ceramic steam train also symbolizes the spirit and power of craft unity and mutual assistance.