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國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 X 國立臺南生活美學館 X 西屹設計

鬼將 Ghost General


鬼將 Ghost General

廖慶章 Ching-Chang Liao|技術保存者 Cultural Heritage Preservers

紙本彩墨 Ink and Color on Paper / With frame: L310 × W118 此作為「百鬼系列」六大張之一。鬼神信仰,在華人圈擁有廣大群眾基礎,而談論鬼世界,其實是談論人類生命終結的國度。「死亡」於人一直是最有魅力的古老話題,鬼故事所表現的,就是對死亡的多種解釋,以及對死後的多重想像。各式各樣的鬼,代表各式各樣的死。在鬼的傳說中,鬼形象大都無比可怕,正是根源於人對死亡的恐懼。鬼形象實際上即是死亡的具體化。 This artwork is one of the ‘Hundred Ghosts Series ‘six huge pages. The beliefs of ghosts and gods have a wide believer in Chinese cultures. And discussing the world of ghosts, means discussing the end of lives. ‘Death’ is always the most attracting subject in history. What ghost stories show are the plenty explanations of death and diverse imagination to the world after death. All kinds of ghosts mean all kinds of death. In the legend of ghosts, most images of ghosts are scary, this is because humans are terrified of death. The image of ghost is exactly the concretized of death.