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奧地利林茲國際電子藝術節 2020 - 清華園 暨 15th 李國鼎K.T.科藝獎


花光照林 | Flower Illuminating Forest


花光照林 | Flower Illuminating Forest

FBI Lab(張敬舜、劉士達、許素朱)、HSCC Lab(許健平、郭永清) FBI Lab (Ching-Shun Chang ,Shih-Ta Liu, Su-Chu Hsu), HSCC Lab (Jang-Ping Sheu, Yung-Ching Kuo)

「花光照林」是藉由智慧型路燈收集清華大學校園內的氣候數據進行記錄,並結合物聯網技術與造型藝術裝置整合的科技藝術作品,作品本身具備溫度、濕度、風速的感測數據透過光線變化呈現。 This IoT installation art combines the the climate data gathered by the smart street lamp and screening data in Tsing Hua campus. It will have different light pattern based on the data of wind, rain, temperature, light.