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中原大學 建築系

棉蘭青年共居 Medan Youth Social Housing
棉蘭青年共居 Medan Youth Social Housing


棉蘭青年共居 Medan Youth Social Housing

李晃合 Kevin Lee

指導老師:曹拯元 Jeeng-Yuan Tsaur 基地位置:邁門區, 棉蘭市, 印尼 Kec.Medan Maimun , Medan city , Indonesia 基地面積: 12,064 m2 作品說明: Issue/ 議題 不同的對待根據種族文化背景 Different treatments based on groups (race, religion,culture) Perspective /看法 我認為當我們可以接受其他種族,宗教或文化跟我們自己一樣時,我們才能真正尊重差異。從這種觀點來看,尊重其實不會有某個種族,宗教或文化比其他優越的。 I think we can only truly respect a difference when we hold the other race, religion or culture as equally valid and legitimate to our own. From this view, respect really means that no race, religion or culture is elevated above another as superior. Site/ 基地 荷蘭統治的規劃分區是以各個種族的特質性來分區。像是華人比較熟悉在貿易所以被分到市中心 來幫忙荷蘭政府做貿易,反而當地人比較厲害在手工或農夫就分到比較外圍區。可是到現在能發現這個分割還是能感受到今天。 The planning of divisions of the Dutch government rule are based on the characteristics of the skills of each race . For example, the Chinese are more familiar with trade, so they are placed to the city center to help the Dutch government with trade, but the local people who are better at craftsmenship or farmers are assigned to more peripheral areas. To this day this matter is still present. 目前狀況因爲習慣了對於這種分區所以各個種族都有自己的活動區域。這種的狀況讓了某些種族有優越感所以都市裏面其實不會有很多的交流機會。 我希望都市裏面可以有一個區域讓大家從不同文化背景可住宅一起,互相交流看法,一起成長。 大家能交流因爲有同個目標邁向未來而不會衝突因爲外表問題。 Because of the current situation, each race has its own activity area because it is used to this kind of division. This situation gives certain races a sense of superiority, so there won't actually be many opportunities for communication in the city. I hope that there can be an area in the city where everyone from different cultural backgrounds can live together, exchange views with each other, and grow together. Everyone can communicate because they have the same goal and move towards the future without conflict because of appearance issues. Design / 設計 在我的設計策略當中,以年輕族群出發,營造一個多元種族的共居空間,透過不同知識與文化背景的交流下共譜新的可能,並創立生活市場使其家庭成員參與作為開放空間的城市客廳。 In my design strategy, starting from the young ethnic group, creating a multi-racial cohabitation space, sharing new possibilities through the exchange of different knowledge and cultural backgrounds, and creating a living market to enable family members to participate in the urban living room as an open space .