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中原大學 建築系




周青瑾 Jessie Chuwardi

指導老師:郭聖荃 Sheng-Chuan Kuo 基地位置:桃園, 龍崗 Longgang, Taoyuan 基地面積:3228m2 作品說明: 設計動機: 一開始選擇“市場”為我的畢業設計題目是因為每次我去逛市場的時候都大包小包的回來,雖然在很熱可是可以買好多 東西就會讓我感覺好快樂,所以就選擇了市場。 我是印尼僑生來台了五年,其實都沒有認真的去了解台灣,所以我的畢業設計就選擇了台灣忠貞市場當我的基地。 基地、議題: 我選擇忠貞市場是因為這個地方讓我感受到家鄉的味道,以及這個地方背後也有一個既有的特殊文化. 在1945年時第二次國共內在時期,有一批軍人被迫待在雲南,泰國的邊界,之後政府就把他們接回來然後安排到忠貞新村居住,所以這個地方已經融入了滇緬的當地文化,再加上近幾年很多移工朋友分批來到台灣,所以在這個地方已經形成了一定程度的認同感。 我的議題是透過飲食文化串連再造社會與地方認同的關係,從新改造市場。 設計策略: 分析市場常見的問題 例如:人車通道,垂直發展的市場往往空間並未充分使用,分類,過了下午就變成空的狀態。 分析市場在不同的時間點,以及他的使用方式,基地所帶來的的價值 提出的方法是要提升這個得放的文化,然後再把市場機能重新歸類於商業性質的分區。 我思考怎麼讓市場變得更加有趣,我分為三個主要的主題去分類定義,透過教育,藝術已經溫室。我希望去市場可以體驗到一些新的東西,例如去市場變成一個找朋友的交流場所,到市場不單純只有購物的功能。讓市場空間可以在不同的時段有不同的用處,市場活動會結合這邊的文化,透過不同種族的文化去設計我的各種性能空間。 Design motive: At first, I choose ‘Market’ theme for my graduation design is because when I went from Market, I always bought lots of things from there. Although it was hot in there, but there’s always a lot of things to buy and that made me really feel joyful, that is why I chose this theme. I am a overseas chinese student from Indonesia that already spend time in Taiwan for 5 years, I never really had time to understand Taiwan. This is why I choose Zhong Zhen market in Taiwan as my site for design. Site, Topic: I choose Zhong zhen market because it is reminding me my hometown feeling and this place behind has its own existing culture. In 1945 when second period of Chinese Communist Party, a group of soldiers were forced to stay in Yunnan, border of Thailand, then they were fetched by Government back to Taiwan and arranged them to live in Zhong zhen village, this is the reason why this place was integrated to Burmese culture, in addition to recent years where lots of immigrant worker came to Taiwan in batches. Therefore, this place is getting formed with approval. This topic of design will cover about food culture and approval reconstruction of society and place relation, reforming the market. Design strategy: Analysis of market common questions Ex: pavement and road, markets that are often under-utilized, classified, and empty after the afternoon. Analyze the market at different points in time, how it is used, and the value brought by the site The proposed method is to promote this culture, and then reclassify market functions into commercial sectors. I think how to make the market more interesting is to divide it into three main themes to classify and define. Through education, art and greenhouse. I hope that going to the market can experience some new things. For example, going to the market becomes a place for communicate and finding friends. Going to the market is not just for shopping. Let the market space have different uses at different times. Market activities will combine the culture, and designing various performance spaces through the culture of different races.