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中南半島(西貢河) Indochina Peninsula, Saigon River


中南半島(西貢河) Indochina Peninsula, Saigon River

劉其偉 臺灣 Liu Max C.W. Taiwan

鉛筆、水彩、紙 pencil and watercolor on paper 24.5 × 36 cm 1967 臺北市立美術館藏 Taipei Fine Arts Museum Collection -- 劉其偉曾於1965年7月至1967年6月,以民間工程師的身分參與越戰,協助美軍進行機場工程設計。本作品描繪南越西貢堤岸(ChợLớn)景致,為西貢的華人區。該作於《中南半島行腳畫集》記載之作品名為《河》,並於該書中附上署名「敏華」所寫的詩作: 陸地與水鄉 築一道無形的「哭牆」 上帝的降福 落不到貧民的人間 啊 載夢的小舟 又殘破在避風港 From July 1965 to June 1967, Liu Max C.W. participated in the Vietnam War as a civil engineer, assisting the US Army in airport design. This work depicts the scenery of Cho Lon, the Chinatown in Saigon, South Vietnam. The work was included in the Painting Trails of Indo-China with the title Canal 1966, Vietnam, accompanied by a poem by “Min Hua”: Land and water village Make up an invisible “wailing wall” The blessing of God Doesn’t come to the world of the poor Ah, boat with dreams Shattered again in the harbor