藝術家涂維政的作品〈BM1001 廣結善緣〉,為其「卜湳文明遺跡」的作品系列,他將當代科技資訊視為歷史事件,以擬真文明、挪用考古遺址現場的方式,建構出新的聖像與神話系統。一個看似被挖掘出土的古文物,紋飾圖像卻是由科技電腦產物、台灣原生種的昆蟲、植物等組構而成。相互拼貼的衝突物件,讓人產生時空錯亂的謬誤感,是涂維政對於全球化中揉雜的文化現象進行反思。他在這件作品中,展現台灣自然生態的豐富樣貌、得天獨厚的景觀資源,以及豐富多元的文化與包容性。
The Future of Now?
How do we see things? How do we see the present and the future?
How do we imagine things? How do we imagine the past and the future?
If we fast forward the time to the future of the future, how will everything in the present be interpreted and defined?
TU Wei-Cheng’s BM1001 is a work from the Relics of the Punan Civilization series. Modern technology is regarded as a historical event and TU constructed a new divine idol and mythology basing various elements of real civilizations and archeological sites. This seemingly ancient artifact is actually a totem of modern computer technologies as well as endemic species of insects and plants in Taiwan, generating a spatial and temporal disparity among the viewers. TU Wei-Cheng uses the work to contemplate globalization, and depicts rich natural ecology, unique natural resources, and the local cultural diversity and tolerance in Taiwan.