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《鋰礦湖與複音孤島》Lithium Lake and the Lonely Island of Polyphony


《鋰礦湖與複音孤島》Lithium Lake and the Lonely Island of Polyphony

20.劉窗 LIU Chuang

實地星球 Planet Terrestrial 接近實地:臨界區 Approaching the Terrestrial: Critical Zone 2020 三頻道錄像,彩色、有聲,35分55秒 3 channels video, color, sound, 35 mins 55 secs 片尾字幕配樂 《老人飲酒歌》 演唱:郭英男 詞曲:阿美族民謠 音樂提供:滾石國際音樂股份有限公司 詞曲OP:台北市文化基金會 詞曲SP:台灣滾石音樂經紀股份有限公司 Closing Credits Soundtrack Elders drinking song Performance: Difang Duana Song and lyrics: Amis folksong Music provided by Rock Records CO., LTD. Song and lyrics original publishing: Taipei Culture Foundation Song and lyrics sub-publishing: Rock Music Publishing Co., Ltd.