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《變動中的海洋》Oceans in Transformation


《變動中的海洋》Oceans in Transformation

23.領土仲介所(約翰.帕爾曼西諾 & 安-蘇菲.瑢絲克) Territorial Agency (John PALMESINO & Ann-Sofi RÖNNSKOG)

實地星球 Planet Terrestrial 接近實地:臨界區 Approaching the Terrestrial: Critical Zone 2020 多頻道錄像裝置(4K,LED平面螢幕、數據),影片循環播放、尺寸視空間而定 Multi-channel video installation (4K, LED flat screens, data), loop, dimensions variable 作品原由TBA21學院委託製作,此次展出的版本為2020台北雙年展和德國卡爾斯魯厄藝術與媒體中心(ZKM)共同製作。 This work was originally commissioned by TBA21–Academy. This adapted installation was co-produced by Taipei Biennial 2020 and ZKM.