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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

葒蘊歸味 - Cilipeday Taste
葒蘊歸味 - Cilipeday Taste


葒蘊歸味 - Cilipeday Taste

初韋萱、宋邵崴、林文昌、林巧妮、李易臻、詹皓閔 - Chu,Wei-Hsuan, Song,Shao-Wei, Lin,Wen-Chang, Lin,Chiao-Ni, Lee,Yi-Zhen, Zhan,Hao-Min

花蓮縣馬太鞍部落「黑芒紅米稻Cilipeday」為臺灣早期古稻最具代表的物種,分佈於花蓮溪與馬太鞍溪沖積的肥沃平原,為最適合古稻生長的環境。溯源此古稻早期多用於原住民祭祀及慶典,是珍貴且稀有的農業文化資產,因原住民部落耆老凋零、機械採收的限制、以及農經科技的突飛猛進,導致古稻被目前人工改量之主流品種所淘汰,因應全球倡導野生稻具有生態保育的價值,本設計以「古稻復育計畫為概念核心,關注原住民農業生態多樣性永續議題,運用古稻結合阿美族神話故事,將原住民「敬天養人」土地故事融入品牌傳達中,重塑在地農業生態品牌,將農業文化與生態理念傳遞給大眾。 - Cilipeday from the Matai'an tribe in Hualien County is the most representative ancient rice variety in Taiwan. The ancient rice grows in an ideal environment across the fertile alluvial plains of the Hualien River and Matai'an River. In the early days, this ancient rice was a precious and uncommon agricultural cultural asset mainly used in indigenous people’s worship and festivals. However, it has been outcompeted by artificially improved mainstream species due to aging indigenous tribes, restrictions on mechanical harvesting, and rapidly advancing agricultural economics technologies. With respect to the global advocacy for wild rice and its values in ecological conservation, this design focuses on ancient rice restoration and pays attention to the issues of ecological diversity and sustainability in indigenous agriculture. By combining the ancient rice with Amis myths, the indigenous story of “respecting nature and cultivating people” is blended into the brand, reconstructing them to convey agricultural and ecological concepts.