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#We are CUTe

中國科技大學 視覺傳達設計系

特輯土產-數位平台 - Gifts of Taiwan - App
特輯土產-數位平台 - Gifts of Taiwan - App


特輯土產-數位平台 - Gifts of Taiwan - App

杜英豪, 郭沛婕, 林矞萱, 許安琪, 蘇庭儀 - TU, YING-HAO, GUO, PEI-JLE, LIN, YU-XUAN, HSU, AN-CHI, SU, TING-YI

「特輯土產」數位展示平台,結合 UI 設計提升便利性與數位的流通性。透過手機簡單的掃描,就可以立刻體驗,且不限制任何 iOS 或 Android 的設備都可以從中瀏覽影像到故事與介紹。可以在單一個數 位平台中瀏覽系列短片與 VR,甚至還能撥放環境音伴著生活中的每一刻。「特輯土產」團隊與廠商測試 VR 效果,透過土壤印章與地圖書的結合,延伸至互動式的 VR 環景體 驗。這將會是最能夠身歷其境的呈現方式,是觸覺與聽覺的結合體。 - "Gifts of Taiwan Land" is an interactive book combination that combines traditional and modern technology. Through traditional publications combined with traditional objects, it can digitally connect the plane and online, making the entire experience process richer and more diverse. The overall combination of "Gifts of Taiwan Land" combines touch, vision and hearing, allowing VIPs and tourists to take back to their hometowns and experience the beautiful memories and feelings about this place again and again through the "Special Local Products" from Taiwan.