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國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 X 國立臺南生活美學館 X 西屹設計

天上聖母 Tian Shang Sheng Mu


天上聖母 Tian Shang Sheng Mu

蔡德太 De-Tai Tsaiv|人間國寶 National Living Treasure

越南檜木 Vietnam Cypress / L104.5 × W63.5 × H4.5 《天上聖母》以媽祖信仰為核心主題,以木雕的浮雕形式,融入傳統廟宇建築元素,象徵媽祖在神龕中的莊嚴形象,展現對信仰的敬意。構圖設計模擬神龕的結構,中央位置刻畫天上聖母端坐於寶座,象徵她作為「慈悲守護神」的形象,帶給信眾平安與心靈的慰藉。兩位護法神將採取經典的形象表現,以柔和的姿態侍立於媽祖兩側,象徵守護與輔佐的角色。周邊以廟宇建築中的窗櫺、帷幕作為背景,增添古典的氛圍,象徵信仰與文化的傳承。作品運用傳統浮雕技法,層次分明,呈現立體感與細膩的工藝。神龕邊框與窗櫺的雕花細節,運用了「淺浮雕」技法,細膩呈現出古典建築中的裝飾藝術;媽祖與護法神將的姿態使用了「剔底雕+深浮雕」來強調立體感,讓人物更具威嚴與莊重。 This artwork, Tian Shang Sheng Mu, uses the subject of belief of Mazu, using relief carving skills, mix with elements of traditional temples architectures. It symbolizes the solemn image of Mazu in the shrine and shows respect for faith. The composition design simulates the structure of a shrine, with Tian Shang Sheng Mu sitting on a throne in the center, symbolizing her image as the "Patron Saint of Mercy", bringing peace and spiritual comfort to believers. The two guardian gods adopted a classic image, standing on both sides of Mazu in a gentle posture, symbolizing the role of protection and assistance. The surrounding window lattice and curtains in the temple building serve as the background, adding a classical atmosphere and symbolizing the inheritance of faith and culture. The work uses traditional relief techniques, with distinct layers, presenting a three-dimensional feel and delicate craftsmanship. The carving details of the shrine frame and window lattice use the "bas-relief" technique to delicately present the decorative art in classical architecture; the postures of Mazu and the guardian generals use "carving and high relief" to emphasize the three-dimensional effect, making the figures more majestic and solemn.