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國立臺灣工藝研究發展中心 X 國立臺南生活美學館 X 西屹設計

祥瑞映府城 Auspicious  in Tainan


祥瑞映府城 Auspicious in Tainan

林秉賢 Bing-Xian Lin

瓷片、石灰、水泥 Porcelain Tiles, Lime, Cement With frame: 69 × 59 × 17 作品融合了剪黏與泥塑工藝,主視覺題材以泥塑麒麟為主,主要傳達出台南府城擁有濃厚的傳統工藝技術,麒麟常見在所有傳統工藝題材,具有祥瑞、太平的意象,映照出台南豐富的文化與經濟發展;四周邊框以剪黏工藝呈現,四個角為「劍獅」象徵守護四方,上方有台南市市花「蘭花」,左右為台南市市鳥「水雉」,蘭花右邊為負責孵蛋與育雛的公水雉及幼鳥,左邊為母的水雉;邊框設計有台南市農特產,關廟鳳梨、玉井芒果、麻豆文旦、官田菱角、白河蓮花、北門虱目魚、七股黑面琵鷺,右邊有有形文化資產台南第一古城「熱蘭遮城-安平古堡」,左邊有無形文化資產「紅腳笭」。希望藉由這個作品能夠讓人更認識台南的文化與藝術! This artwork uses skills of cutting, gluing and clay sculpture. The main theme is the clay sculpture Qilin, showing the tradition craft arts well-developed in Tainan. Qilin is common in all traditional art arts. Has the nice blessing and peaceful meanings, reflects the abusant culture and development of economics in Tainan. The surrounding frame is presented with cut-and-glue technology. The four corners are "sword lions" symbolizing the protection of the four directions. The city flower of Tainan City is the orchid at the top. The city bird of Tainan City is the water pheasant on the left and right. The male water pheasant and its young bird are on the right side of the orchid, and the female water pheasant is on the left side. The frame is designed with agricultural specialties of Tainan City, including pineapple in Guanmiao , mango in Yujing , Wendan in Madou, water chestnut in Guantian , lotus in Baihe , milkfish in Beimen, Black-faced spoonbills in Qigu. On the right, you can see the tangible cultural assets, Fort Zeelandi (Anping Fort), on the left is the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Common Redshank. Hoping through this work, people can learn more about Tainan’s culture and art!