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銘傳大學 建築學系

靜 Serenity
靜 Serenity


靜 Serenity


靜 _ 靜謐的公園 Serenity _ Park of Serenity 作者名稱 Author l 王子靜 TZU-CHING,WANG 指導教授 Advisor l 陳彥豪 YAN-HAO,CHEN 基地位置 Site l 蘭嶼 東清部落 光隨時改變建築的型態,建築會根據時間與天氣的不同而呈現不同的面貌。 東清部落有著全台灣第一道日出,海邊有變化無窮的光影與海;海中變化無窮的光影,產生靜謐的空間;相當優美的自然環境中,卻隱藏著許多不友善的公共空間。 結合自然材料與蘭嶼當地文化特色,希望能改善東清灣的海岸活動區域,以及創造當地人與遊客在此放鬆、交流的空間。 使用自然材料,例如: 植物、麻繩、竹編,材料會因為風或水或人在空間中活動,因此晃動,而產生不斷變化的光影效果。 創造一個靜謐的休憩公園。 At any given moment, light changes the form of architecture. An architectural structure can present its different faces depending on the variating time and weather. The Dongqing tribe boasts the earliest sunrise in Taiwan. Its beachside has an ever-changing sight of light and shadow, along with the sea; this quality that light and shadow creates within the sea gives birth to a serene environment; however, hidden within the elegant beauty of nature, many unwelcoming public spaces lurk. The goal is to improve the coastal activity area of Dongqing Bay, establish a space for the locals and tourists to relax and connect by fusing together natural materials with the local cultural characteristics of Lanyu. Wind, water, or people moving through the space can cause the materials to sway, creating a constantly shifting effect with the light and shadow. This environment is created using natural materials such as plants, hemp rope, and bamboo weave. The creation of a serene and restful park.