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銘傳大學 建築學系

還給電影 Return to Movie
還給電影 Return to Movie


還給電影 Return to Movie


還給電影 _ 影像展示與觀影經驗在空間上的解放 Return to Movie _ The liberation of image display and viewing experience in space 作者名稱 Author l 官宜樺 Yi-Hua,Kuan 指導教授 Advisor l 姜樂靜 基地位置 Site l 新北市淡水區沙崙海灘 電影院在現今社會扮演的角色,是一個提供人們脫離現實世界的庇護所。而" 脫離現實世界" 這個狀態存在於影廳內,人們為了讓電影院可以一次容納更多人,他們將電影院塞滿一個一個的黑盒子,以效率做為主要規畫考量,因此出現了並排方格子的平面規劃。影廳外的空間被忽略,電影院沒有了讓人久留的理由,為了補足等待電影開始前的空檔,電影院依附著百貨商場、美食街,永遠藏身在建築角落,成為只能待2-3 小時的空間。從兩個面向來看: 電影院是展場,也是社區集體空間。學生時期第一次和同學買票去看電影的期待感、情侶第一次約會的首選地...。電影院已經跳脫原本純娛樂場所的定位,更多的是凝聚了社區的集體記憶。無限延伸現在只占電影院百分之10 的等待空間,提供一座融合展場、公園、社區空間的複合式社區電影院。從短時間的娛樂場所轉變為可以長時間停留的社區交流空間,未來電影院不只是純粹撥放電影 的地方,而是生活結合影像的複合式公園。 The role of the cinema in today's society is to provide people with a shelter from the real world. The state of "out of the real world" exists in the cinema. In order to allow the cinema to accommodate more people , they fill the cinema with black boxes one by one, taking efficiency as the main planning consideration, so a sideby-side approach has appeared. The space outside the cinema is eglected, and the cinema has no reason to stay for a long time. In order to make up for the space waiting for the movie to start, the cinema is attached to the epartment store and food court. It is always hidden in the corner of the building and can only stay for 2-3 hours. From two perspectives: the cinema is an exhibition venue and a community collective space.Student was looking forward to buying tickets to a movie with their classmates, and the first choice for couples on a date... The cinema has escaped from its original position as a pure entertainment venue, and more of a collective memory of the community. Infinitely extend now only occupies 10% of the waiting space of the movie theater, providing composite community cinema that integrates exhibition venues, parks, and community spaces. From a short-term entertainment venue to a community communication space where you can stay for a long time, the future cinema will not only be a place where movies are played, but a complex park where life is combined with images.