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銘傳大學 建築學系

夢心地 Dreamily
夢心地 Dreamily


夢心地 Dreamily


夢心地 _ 可變動幼稚園 Dreamily _ Flexible kindergarten 作者名稱 Author l 胡國暐 KUO-WEI,HU 指導教授 Advisor l 李芝瑜 Lee Jeanne 基地位置 Site l 桃園銘傳成功校區坡地 新型態幼兒教育:屬於大家的幼稚園。 New Type of Early Childhood Education:Belongs to everyone's kindergarten. 當幼稚園動了起來,變得可以容納孩子、大學生、家長,並接觸到幼稚園教學以外的知識和體驗,認識除了父母及幼教老師以外的大人,那孩子們會想學習什麼?成為什麼? 一個不只屬於兒童的幼稚園,有可能發生。 台灣的幼稚園都是以成人的角度思考的,大家都認為一個幼稚園只要讓孩子待著坐好保持安全就好了,但這其實是錯誤的,一個好的幼稚園是在以兒童不受到生命危險的前提下讓兒童自己嘗試並探索學習的地方,因此設計核心會依據兒童的行為及心理分析來探討環境的可能性,讓兒童在環境中擁有與成人均等的支配權。 目前空間中已存在的可動性元素幾乎都是以家具或門窗為主,更進階的便是隔間的移動,但這些終究是以成人角度為發想,如果將現在已經出現的可動元素與兒童的角度做結合,便可讓台灣開始思考幼稚園的教育方式,讓‘’空間變動‘’ 構想帶來更進一步的可能性。 When the kindergarten change, it becomes able to accommodate children, college students, and parents, and is exposed to knowledge and experience other than kindergarten teaching. Knowing adults other than parents and kindergarten teachers, what do children want to learn? What will they become? It may happen in a kindergarten that does not only belong to children. A good kindergarten is based on the assumption that children are not at risk for their lives. Under the premise, children are allowed to try and explore learning places by themselves. The design core will explore the possibility of the environment based on children's behavior and psychological analysis so that children have the same control as adults in the environment. If you compare the existing movable elements with Combining children's perspectives will allow Taiwan to start thinking about the way of education in kindergartens, allowing the concept of "space change" to bring further possibilities.