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銘傳大學 建築學系

空間型態及使用者行為模式相互關係之探討 The discussion of the relationship between spatial patterns and user behaviors
空間型態及使用者行為模式相互關係之探討 The discussion of the relationship between spatial patterns and user behaviors


空間型態及使用者行為模式相互關係之探討 The discussion of the relationship between spatial patterns and user behaviors


空間型態及使用者行為模式相互關係之探討 _ 以大稻埕霞海城隍廟及慈聖宮廟埕廣場為例 The discussion of the relationship between spatial patterns and user behaviors _ Take Dadaocheng Xia-Hai City God Temple and Cisheng Temple's Miaocheng Square as examples 作者名稱 Author l 林慕茵 MU-YIN,LIN 指導教授 Advisor l 梁銘剛 MING-GANG,LIANG 基地位置 Site l 大稻埕霞海城隍廟及慈聖宮廟埕廣場 一個空間當中,人們總是會不停地在發生行為。人在其中產生的行為往往會與空間的型態相互影響,多樣且複雜的需求促進場所的發展成長。人們創造了環境,同時又隸屬於它。 本研究探討台灣傳統都市空間之一:廟埕廣場,透過現代生活的角度觀察霞海城隍廟及大稻埕慈聖宮廟埕廣場的空間型態、使用行為、與周圍市街產生的關係等;再透過現地觀察紀錄使用者對於此二空間的使用方式、人們的行為活動、不同區域之行走路徑、停留次數、停留時間長短等;並進一步分析歸納比較兩座廟埕廣場之空間型態與行為活動所相互影響的關係。 討論人們在使用傳統都市公共空間的過程中,不同的場所型態導致不同使用方式的原因,瞭解傳統廟埕廣場的角色地位。 Between a space, people will always behave frequently. The behaviors that people produce often interact with the types of the space. Various and complex demands promote the development and growth of the place. People create the environment. At the same time, they also belong to it. The research discusses one of Taiwan’s traditional urban spaces: Miaocheng Square. To observe the spatial patterns, user behaviors and the relationships with surrounding of Xia-hai City God Temple and Cisheng Temple's Miaocheng Squares. Then through the field observation, recording the using of two Miaocheng squares, user behaviors, their walking paths, frequency of people remain and how long do people stay etc. Further analyze and compare the relationship between the spatial patterns and user behaviors of two Miaocheng squares. To discuss during the process of people using the traditional urban public spaces, the reasons which cause different spatial patterns and user behaviors. And understand the role of Miaocheng squares.