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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

備忘錄3 Memo3


備忘錄3 Memo3

黃至正 Huang Chih-Cheng

年代: 2019 媒材: 銀箔、鋁箔、壓克力顏料、胚布、線、狀紙、畫布 / Silver and Aluminium leaf, acrylic paint, thread, grey and paper on canvas 尺寸: 80 x 100 cm 藝術家黃至正一直關注著人與記憶的關係,作品〈備忘錄 3〉從二手衣物去思索記憶在生命過程的意義。主角是一件平整攤開的上衣,幾張被轉印到銀箔上的照片,被縫在衣服右側,過長的縫線恣意散落。表層以層層的銀鋁箔覆蓋,透過黃至正特殊的處理,以及暴露在空氣的自然氧化,銀箔呈現出斑駁的質感,如同時間的消逝與演變。這些出現在市集的二手衣,代表著不再被某人需要的物件,而黃至正尋找蒐集它們,就像是在破解一個加密的資料庫,試圖去猜測、解讀他人的生命史。同時思考著,在現代這個意義產出過剩的社會裡,回憶對於個人會是一種過程還是累贅呢? Artist Huang Chih-Cheng has been paying attention to people’s relationship with memories. In his Memo 3, he uses a piece of second-hand clothing to ponder the meaning of memory through life’s passage. The main focus is an upper garment, laid out flat. Several photos transferred onto silver foil are sewn into the right side of the garment with overlong, randomly scattered stitches. The surface layer is covered with layers of silver and aluminum foil, and Huang Chih-cheng has specially treated the silver foil so that through oxidation on exposure to air, it presents a mottled texture suggesting the passage of time. These second-hand clothes on the market represent objects that someone no longer needs, but Huang searches for such things, because they are like encrypted databases of other people’s lives; he attempts to guess and interpret them. At the same time, one wonders, in a modern society that overproduces memories, whether memory is a process or a burden for individuals?