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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

心中的日月 Ideal Place


心中的日月 Ideal Place

林威丞 Lin Wei-Cheng

年代: 2018 媒材: 膠彩顏料、畫布 / Gouache on canvas 尺寸: 145x112cm 〈心中的日月〉這個作品名稱出自一首流行樂歌曲,意味著找尋心中的桃花源或理想國。藝術家林威丞有深厚的水墨與膠彩的底子,他認為東方繪畫屬於線形構成,堅持以水墨來描繪怪獸的形體。我們可以看到大大小小不同的怪獸集結在一個畫面中,有的酷似飛碟、搖晃著觸角、有著大大的眼睛,在這個桃花源裡怪獸們和諧地相處在一起、彼此之間卻充滿了張力。作品以溫暖的黃色調來裝飾,林威丞從器物上的紋飾擷取靈感,將蓮紋與卷草紋裝飾於其中。植物內含藴育生命的能量,在他所創造的宇宙中,植物象徵著餵食著怪獸的食糧。調皮的怪獸在畫面中攀爬形變,他們的樣貌就是觀者內在心境的投射。 The title, Ideal Place (literally, “The Sun and Moon in My Heart”) comes from a popular music song, which speaks of finding the ideal realm or “peach blossom source” in your heart. The artist, Lin Wei-Cheng has a strong foundation in working in the media of ink and Eastern gouache. He believes that Oriental painting is a linear kind of composition, and he insists on using ink to line drawings of monsters. In this picture we can see monsters of various sizes gathered in one place. Some resemble flying saucers, others have shaking tentacles, or have big eyes. In this “peach blossom source,” the monsters are living harmoniously together, but there is still much tension among them. The work is adorned with warm yellow tones. Lin Wei-Cheng takes inspiration from the ornamental patterns of a tablecloth—the lotus and curly grass patterns in it. The plants hold within them all of the energy for life, so in Lin’s created universe, they symbolize the food that feeds the monsters. As these naughty monsters climb on things and transform themselves, their appearances become projections of viewers’ inner moods.