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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

玉米田 Corn Field


玉米田 Corn Field

林宏信 Lin Hung-Shin

年代: 2018 媒材: 油彩、畫布 / Oil on canvas 尺寸: 89x145cm 藝術家林宏信使用繪畫替代文字,以寫週記的概念,記錄生活中片段的想法與感受。作品〈玉米田〉描繪他腦中浮現的兒時記憶。畫中一大片茂盛的綠叢,似乎難以找到焦點,林宏信翻轉傳統寫實繪畫的構圖,刻意將四散的玉米葉以銳利的邊線清楚地勾畫出來;而位於中心的玉米穗,反而用模糊的筆觸呈現。透過這樣的表現,便難以區分主角與配角。其中穿插了幾條類似負片的線條,藝術家以此分隔現實與記憶,寫實的綠色呈現當下的現實,負片的線條則暗示過去的記憶。林宏信透過這件作品,將影像、自己的記憶與繪畫並置,使彼此互相穿插、產生對話,帶給觀眾另類的視覺體驗。 Lin Hung-Hsin follows the idea of writing a weekly journal, but instead of using text, he uses painting in order to record his thoughts and feelings from each segment of his life. Cornfield depicts a childhood memory that had floated up in his mind. It seems hard to find a specific focus amid the lush green cornstalks in the painting. Flipping the usual traditional approach in realistic painting, Lin deliberately outlines the corn leaves with sharp edges, but for the tassels at the center, he uses fuzzier brush strokes. As a result, it becomes difficult to distinguish which part plays the protagonist and which plays the supporting role. Running vertically through the painting are several bands that seem to present the film negative image. The artist uses these to separate the reality from the memory, with the green parts representing present reality and the negative bands suggesting past memory. Through this work, Lin Hung-Hsin juxtaposes and intersperses photographic image, personal memory, and painting, thereby creating dialogues and giving the viewing public an alternative visual experience.