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文化部 藝術銀行 Art Bank Taiwan

大事件(七) The Big Event (7)


大事件(七) The Big Event (7)

黃士綸 Dean Huang

年代: 2018 媒材: 油彩、金箔、畫布 / Oil and gold Leaf on canvas 尺寸: 100x100cm 藝術家黃士綸的作品從生命經驗出發,在他的畫筆下,各種災難場景都是他生命經驗的反思與呈現。〈大事件〉系列是他自2016年起開始的創作,從一開始寫實的龍捲風、颱風眼,到近期只擷取災難場景的局部。戲劇性、但又充滿詩意地排列組合出迷霧、方塊、山脈和光束等元素,災難此時化為史詩般的視覺衝撞,充滿震撼的衝突美感。在作品〈大事件(七)〉漆黑的夜色中,一道從天而降的光束穿透了宇宙中的一團迷霧,彷彿即將發生一場災難,但又不得而知到底為何物,就好像電影高潮前的鋪陳。這樣的未知感,讓人產生了濃濃的恐懼感,正是人性脆弱顯現的時刻。 The works of artist Huang Shih-Lun begin from life experiences, and the various scenes of disaster that he paints are expressions of his life experiences and reflections on them. “The Big Event” series started in 2016, and they have proceeded from realistic depictions of a tornado and the eye of a typhoon in the beginning to the more recent works, which capture only details of disaster scenes. With its dramatic yet poetic arrangement and combination of elements such as fog, lumps, mountains, and a light beam, the disaster this times turns into an epic visual collision full of the shocking collision aesthetic. In The Big Event (7), beam of light from the sky penetrates the dark night and enters a large foggy cloud. It seems as if a disaster is about to occur, but we still do not know what it will be—it is like the scene-setting before a movie climax. This sense of the unknown produces a sense of dread in the viewer—it is the moment when human fragility appears.