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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

拾空 - empty thoughts
拾空 - empty thoughts


拾空 - empty thoughts

蘇祺祺 - 蘇祺祺 Su,Chi-Chi

設計理念:佛曰:「一葉一菩提,一花一世界」,以菩提葉為意象作為整體外觀設計,將擴香儀結合了嗅覺與視覺感官的器物設計,從視覺上的光線呈現引導人們慢慢感受身心靈,頓悟人生,拾起自己的心,以水波紋的意象融合於木製底座,取之水滴的流動性及生生不息的含意。 - Design concept: Buddha: "To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower"。 With the Bodhi leaf as the image as the all Exterior design, The visual light guide people to feel slowly the body, mind, and soul, have an epiphany of life,sudden enlightenment hearts, and fuse with the image of water ripples on the wooden base, taking the fluidity of water droplets and the meaning of life and growth in nature. Emptiness (enlightenment): Can be used as a meaning such as waking up, paying attention。