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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

乾淨 - CLEAN
乾淨 - CLEAN


乾淨 - CLEAN

李姿儀 - LI,TZU-YI

以淨灘議題結合桌遊去設計,清潔沙灘不但有助於環境,也可以減少海洋生物被汙染,透過遊玩像是隨手幫忙撿拾沙灘上的垃圾,回復成乾淨的海洋環境,傳達海洋維護的重要性。 - The beach cleaned by combining marine issues with board games.Cleaning the beach not only helps the environment, but also reduces the pollution of marine life Conveying the importance of marine maintenance through play, such as doing a beach cleanup.