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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

流蓮忘返 - Liulian forgets to return
流蓮忘返 - Liulian forgets to return


流蓮忘返 - Liulian forgets to return

李姿儀、郭凡芯 - LI,TZU-YI, Kuo,fan-shin

佛教是以蓮花做為美好、聖潔的象徵,倒流香結合花瓣造型的型體,透過花瓣聚集倒流香的煙霧,營造出蓮花與霧氣中的意境,讓使用者彷彿圍繞在香氛當中,保持平靜的心情。 - In Buddhism, the lotus is used as a symbol of beauty and holiness.The backflow incense burner is in the shape of lotus petals.The smoke of the backflow incense is gathered through the petals to create the artistic conception of the lotus and the mist.Let use the person seems to be surrounded by the fragrance, maintaining a calm mood.