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佛光大學 產品與媒體設計學系

再次擁抱 - Hug again
再次擁抱 - Hug again


再次擁抱 - Hug again

張心柔、張簡妙惠 - Chang ,Hsin-Jou, Chang Chien,Miao-Hui

父母離婚後難道就不是我的父母了嗎?為什麼我只能從中選一個?我不能同時擁有我的父母嗎?這是單親小孩容易遇到的問題與心靈缺口,希望藉由動畫的故事帶給小孩更多的正能量與希望,並給予離婚或正面臨離婚的父母一點省思,不要因為離婚而讓小孩失去任何一個親人,要當小孩永遠的父母。 - Aren’t they my parents after they divorced? Why can I only choose one of them? Can't I have my parents at the same time? This is a problem and spiritual gap that single-parent children are prone to encounter. I hope the story of the animation will bring more positive energy and hope to children and give parents who are divorced or facing divorce a little reflection. Don't let the child lose any relatives because of divorce but be the child's eternal parent.