城市與山脈的教育縫合 Education as the sutura between mountain and city
許孟蓁 Meng-Chen Hsu
指導老師:陳宣誠 Syuan-Cheng Chen
基地位置:六張犁, 台北市 Liuzhangli,Taipei City
基地面積:2,475 m2
在有這麼多不同議題可以做的這年為什麼選擇教育議題下手? 不僅是因為看到在疫情的大環境下教育產生的問題和未來的可能性。更是因為深知要改變,創造,催化,或啟動前;教育是很多事情的第一步。當把教育本身打開,從單純的校地解放到城市空間時,是不是有機會能解決城市甚至社會上的問題?我想用城市針灸的方式尋找一種互利的關係,在增加公共性的同時產生社會影響力。這是我認為在未來教育有可能在城市中扮演的角色。
在台灣可以看到教育機構開始嘗試將學校打開和城市產生關係的例子,這些大學為什麼要這麼做,其實很簡單,學校思維在改變,學校希望學生能走出校園,與社會接軌。 有趣的是,許多與學校有關的議題不一定在校內,校外許多具有歷史、文化和自然的場域可以結合學校的教育與研究。更重要的在於,當把教育拉出學校到城市時,能不能也同時解決城市問題;因此在我的設計中,我希望將教育空間置入於被城市忽略的山,讓山被打開,成為城市的結構。
Why did I choose the education topic this year when there are so many different topics to do? It is not only because you see the problems and future possibilities of education in the epidemic environment. It is because we know that we need to change, create, catalyze, or start; education is the first step in many things. When the education itself is opened up and liberated from the pure school space to the urban space, is there a chance to solve urban and even social problems? I want to use urban acupuncture to find a mutually beneficial relationship, which will be produced while increasing publicity social influence. This is the role that I think education may play in cities in the future.
In Taiwan, you can see examples of educational institutions trying to open schools to connect with cities. Why these universities do this is actually very simple. School thinking is changing. Schools hope that students can get out of campus and integrate with society. What's interesting is that many school-related topics are not necessarily inside the school. Many fields with history, culture and nature outside the school can be combined with school education and research. More importantly, when I pull education out of the school to the city, can it also solve the urban problem; therefore, in my design, I hope to put the educational space in the mountain neglected by the city, so that the mountain will be opened and become The structure of the city.