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中原大學 建築系

縮放之間Expansion and Constriction
縮放之間Expansion and Constriction


縮放之間Expansion and Constriction

劉珈均 Jia-Jyun Liou

指導老師:楊紹凱 Shao-Kai Yang 基地位置:中區, 台中市 Central District, Taichung City 基地面積:8,773 m2 作品說明: 隨台灣經濟的迅速發展,建築向上堆疊、膨脹,繁榮一時,卻快速沒落。都市仍存在公共空間不足的問題。設計從縮小意識以及現代生活轉變的討論,嘗試利用活動單元,而不是規畫下的空間分割,改造舊有建築,提出一種新的城市開放空間的想像。 基地選在東協廣場,最早以前是第一市場,經歷大火、拆除,在同樣的時空裡,改建成地下3層地上13層的巨大量體-第一廣場。一至三樓為臺中市政府所有(設公有第一市場)。隨商業外移及交通問題,人潮散去,轉為東南亞移工的聚集,於2016年更名為東協廣場。 站在市政府的立場,為了活化城市空間,讓出1-3層樓的市場空間提供給公共作為整頓,以此為契機介入。藉由部分拆除,將地面層的公共性打開,並置入流動性的機能取代原本僵化的商店空間。面對都市進行退縮,拆除臨台灣大道的量體,以地景重塑街道面。整理內部機能,提取再填塞進削減後的量體,梳理路徑與內部動線。最後連結台中舊城觀光旅遊資源,作為發散點,使舊城活絡。 With the rapid development of Taiwan’s economy, the scale of urban construction prospered for a while but quickly declined. It is still difficult to solve the problem of insufficient public space in the city. This Design start from the discussion of constriction consciousness. Using active units instead of planned space division, renovating old buildings, and propose a new imagination of urban open space. The base was chosen as the ASEAN Plaza, which was used to be the Taichung First Square. After undergoing fire and demolition, it has been rebuilt into a monstrous mass with 3 floors underground and 13 floors above ground in the same time and space, which names the Taichung First Square. The first to third floors are owned by the Taichung City Government.With the relocation of commerce and traffic problems, the crowd dispersed and turned into an assembly point for Southeast Asia migrant workers, which was renamed Asean Plaza in 2016. From the standpoint of the city government to revitalize the urban space, we intervened by providing 1-3 floors of the market space to the public for reorganization. By partially demolishing, we opened up the publicity of the ground floor and embed the liquidity function to replace the rigid store space. The masses building near Taiwan Avenue were removed, and the retreat landscape is reserved for the citizens as an activity space.