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中原大學 建築系

出海之前 入港以後Before Departure, After Arrival
出海之前 入港以後Before Departure, After Arrival


出海之前 入港以後Before Departure, After Arrival

王証麒 Cheng-Chi Wang

指導老師:徐昌志 Chang-Chih Hsu 基地位置:南寮, 新竹市 NanLiao, Hsinchu City 基地面積:13,000 m2 作品說明: /甚麼樣的觀光才適合當地 隨著地方產業式微及地方存續出現問題,觀光成為許多地方再生的契機。 文化觀光的發展固然可以讓觀光客接觸到當地居民的生活形態和價值觀,並且提供互動的管道使得地方文化獲得認同。但在過程中,地方時常為了使遊程更生動而進行包裝,導致文化觀光的吸引物被物化,以致於掏空文化觀光的靈魂,使得觀光發展的永續性出現問題。 /地方消失 隨著觀光活動的盛行,地方符號逐漸成為人們對於不同地方的印象, 當異域符號被置入地方文化時,地方文化勢必面臨衝擊、消失的狀況。 /地方文化如何在產業轉型下延續 隨著地方文化意識的抬頭,永續觀光的觀念逐漸普及,不再使用異域的符號並且尋找地方的特色,讓拜訪者回歸本質體驗地方的生活形態與價值觀。 如何以文化觀光的角度將舊聚落的紋理創新與再造為設計重心。 /What is a proper tourist method for local culture Developing tourism is a turning point for many suburb areas as increasing declines of local industries and more difficulties of preserving local culture. The development of cultural tourism certainly allows tourists to get in touch with the lifestyle and values of local residents, and provides a way to interact with local culture to gain recognitions. However, in the process, localities often package tours in order to make them more active, resulting in the simplification of cultural tourism. Therefore, the core value of cultural tourism is hollowing out, and the sustainability of tourism development is causing problem. /The Decline of Local culture As tourism activities increase, people have different opinions related to the places according to the signals. When external signals insert into the local culture, which cause some impacts to local culture or even disappearance. /The preservation of local culture under industry transmission Awareness of preserving local culture and keeping sustainability are the main value recently. Visitors tends to experience the real lifestyle of local inhabitants, rather than using external signals to highlight the place, which are not actual part of the local culture. This project focuses on how to rebuild and recreate an old village from the perspective of cultural tourism.