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片岡真實 Mami Kataoka


片岡真實 Mami Kataoka

目前擔任東京森美術館館長。2003至2020年擔任主任策展人期間,為森美術館策劃了多檔展覽,包括數名亞洲藝術家職涯中期回顧展,例如《艾未未:根據什麼?》(2009/美國巡迴展2012-13)、《李布:我只屬於你的地方》(2012)、《会田誠:無事紀念碑》(2012)與《李明維與他的關係》(2013-14)。她曾擔綱倫敦海沃德畫廊國際策展人(2007-2009)、第九屆韓國光州雙年展共同策展人(2012年)、第21屆雪梨雙年展(2018)藝術總監,目前亦擔任愛知三年展(2022)藝術總監。2014年起為國際現當代美術館專業委員會 (CIMAM)成員,自2020年以來則擔任其主席。片岡真實亦曾任職京都藝術大學研究所兼任教授、東京藝術大學美術研究所副教授,並經常參與當代藝術相關的著述與演講,以及受邀於日本、亞洲及其他地區擔任評審。 Mami Kataoka has been the director of Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, since 2020, previously serving as Chief Curator and curating numerous exhibitions including the Asian artists’ mid-career retrospectives Ai Weiwei: According to What? (2009/US Tour 2012-13), Lee Bul: From Me, Belongs to You Only(2012), Makoto Aida: Monument for Nothing (2012), and Lee Ming-wei and His Relations (2014-15). She was also international curator at the Hayward Gallery, London (2007-2009); co-artistic director for the 9th Gwangju Biennale, South Korea (2012); artistic director of the 21st Biennale of Sydney (2018); and artistic director of Aichi Triennale (2022). She has been a board member of the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art since 2014, and the president of CIMAM since 2020. She also served as an adjunct professor at Kyoto University of the Arts Graduate School; adjunct professor in the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Tokyo University of the Arts. Kataoka frequently writes and lectures about contemporary art, and serves on juries in Japan, Asia and beyond.
塩田千春 Shiota Chiharu


塩田千春 Shiota Chiharu

塩田千春,1972 年生,成長於大阪府岸和田市。1992 年至 1996 年間就讀京都精華大學美術學院,主修油畫,並在雕塑系擔任村岡三郎(1928-2013)的助手,期間以交換學生的身分,前往坎培拉澳洲國立大學的藝術學院就讀,並開始創作裝置與行為藝術。十九歲時,塩田於滋賀縣立近代美術館觀看波蘭藝術家瑪格達蓮娜.阿巴卡諾維奇的個展,讓䭪動念起心,決定日後前往德國投身阿巴卡諾維奇的門下。歷經一番波折,塩田終於在 1996 年抵達歐洲,進入漢堡美術大學就讀;隨後於 1997 至 1998年間,先在布倫瑞克藝術大學師從行為藝術先驅瑪莉娜.阿布拉莫維奇,又進入柏林藝術大學,接受瑞貝卡.霍恩的指導。此後,塩田以柏林為據點,活躍於各大雙年展、美術館及畫廊。自 1993 至 2021 年止,總共參與了三百場以上的展演活動。 Shiota Chiharu was born in 1972 in Osaka Prefecture, and grew up in Kishiwada City. From 1992 to 1996, she studied oil painting at the Art Department of Kyoto Seika University, while also working as an assistant to Muraoka Saburo (1928-2013) in the Sculpture Department. During this time she studied abroad at the Australian National University School of Art in Canberra, and began making performances and installations. At the age of nineteen, she saw a solo exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, Shiga by the Polish artist Magdalena Abakanowicz (1930-2017), which inspired Shiota to plan to go to Germany so that she could study under Abakanowicz. After a long and involved process, Shiota went to Europe in 1996 and enrolled at the University of Fine Arts Hamburg. She subsequently studied with the performance art pioneer Marina Abramovic (1946-) at the Braunschweig University of Art from 1997 to 1998, and then with Rebecca Horn (1944-) at Berlin University of the Arts. Since then, Shiota has been based in Berlin, actively showing her works at biennales and exhibitions at art museums and galleries. From 1993 up until 2021, she has exhibited at more than 300 solo shows, group exhibitions, biennales, and other events.