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銘傳大學 建築學系

社區客廳再延伸 Extending The Community Living Room
社區客廳再延伸 Extending The Community Living Room


社區客廳再延伸 Extending The Community Living Room


社區客廳再延伸 _ 以和樂家中場域為願景,包容旅客與居民在此探索、交流之流動車站 Extending The Community Living Room _ With the vision of harmonious home place, a mobile station that tolerates travelers and residents to explore and communicate here. 作者名稱 Author l 廖依依 YI-YI,LIAO 指導教授 Advisor l 褚瑞基 RUEI-JI,CHU 基地位置 Site l 新北市瑞芳區瑞芳車站 車站,是人的移動場所,是社區的社交活動場合,是都市的活力據點,還有呢? 以增進社區間之公共空間為動機,期望提升人與人間的交流,達到在現代快速冷漠的社會中,有個關懷、包容人的公共場域為願景作為出發。 以瑞芳車站做為基地,為近年台灣熱門觀光車站之一,同時位於台鐵深澳線與平溪線之轉乘站,為台灣東北角風景區之重要經濟樞紐。車站除了作為交通場所,我期望可以讓人感受列車行進的快與行人出發、抵達的慢作為速度之對比,並透過延伸家中客廳的匯聚氛圍,再創地區活力。 以串聯瑞芳火車前後站為目標,期望增進新舊產業的互補,並將火車站前廣場改為下沉式廣場,可從車站內地下道直達通行,除增加瑞芳車站前後站的空間串聯,也增進人流停等的可能,與地方交流互動。 A station is a place for people to move, a place for social events in a community, and a vitality base for the city. What else do you think about? In order to promote the public space between communities, we hope to improve the communication between people, so as to achieve the vision of a caring and inclusive public space in a modern, fast and indifferent society. Based on Ruifang station, it is one of the most popular tourist stations in Taiwan in recent years, located at the interchange station of the Shenao Line and Pingxi Line of Taiwan Railways. It is also an important economic hub for the scenic spot in the northeastern corner of Taiwan. In addition to being a place of transportation, I hope the station can make people feel the contrast between the fast speed of trains and the slow speed of pedestrians' departure and arrival, and create the vitality of the area by extending the gathering atmosphere of the living room at home. With the goal of connecting the front and rear stations of Ruifang railway station, it is expected to enhance the complementarity between the new and old industries, and change the square in front of the railway station into a sunken square, which can be accessed directly from the underground tunnel in the station. In addition to increasing the space connection between the front and rear stations of Ruifang railway station, it also enhances the possibility of people stopping, and exchanges with local people.