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銘傳大學 建築學系

遷流徙域 Domain Migration
遷流徙域 Domain Migration


遷流徙域 Domain Migration

朱柏霖 Po-Lin,Chu

遷流徙域 _ 都市邊界上,原住民族部落的生態文化再造 Domain Migration _ In urban boundary , reconstruction of ecological culture of aboriginal tribes 作者名稱 Author l 朱柏霖 Po-Lin,Chu 指導教授 Advisor l 單世瑄 SHIH-HSUAN,SHAN 基地位置 Site l 新北市鶯歌大漢溪河岸 從1950年代開始,因應大量的勞動需求缺口,許多原住民從原鄉移居至都市河岸‚邊坡 等都市邊界居住,漸漸形成都市部落。都市原住民在都市已然生活了幾十年,他們不被都市所接受,同時與原鄉的連接也日漸薄弱,後代的都市原住民也漸漸失去其豐厚的文化技藝與文化認同。 在都市逐漸擴張下,原本的邊界地帶也逐漸,變成都市地區,近十年間各地都市部落的拆遷,抗議活動,社會運動每隔幾年都會再次上演,而政府所規劃的的原民國宅‚遷移計畫 等等大部分都無疾而終或失敗收場,其主要原因大多是空間使用上都市人口與原住民的使用習慣不同,都市空間規劃與使用上注重的是個人領域與隱私,原住民族反而對公共空間較為注重及依賴。 如何在不強迫都市原民部落移居的前提下,融合串聯河岸各個碎化的空間,並將整體河堤河岸與都市相互縫合,創造出屬於都市與都市原住民部落的交流空間。 Since in the 1950s, in response to a large resources of labor demand, many aborigines moved from their original villages to live in urban borders such as urban riparian,slopes, and formed urban tribes. Urban aborigines have been living in cities for decades. They are not accepted by the city. At the same time, the connection with their original villages is becoming weaker. The future generations of urban aborigines have gradually losing their cultural and cultural identity. Under the gradual expansion of the city, the original border area has gradually become an urban area. In the past ten years, the demolition of urban tribes, protests, and social movements will be staged again every few years, and the residence planned by the government will be relocated. Most of the projects, etc., ended without a problem or ended in failure. The main reason is that the urban population and the aborigines have different habits in the use of space. The planning and use of urban space focuses on the personal realm and privacy, and the aborigines are rather public. Space is more focused and dependent. How to integrate the fragmented spaces of the riparian without forcing the urban aboriginal tribes to migrate, and connect the entire riparian space and the city to each other, creating a space for communication between the city and the urban aborigines tribe.