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潑水節(中南半島一頁史詩) Songkran Festival

劉其偉 臺灣 Liu Max C.W. Taiwan

水彩、粉彩、紙 watercolor and pastel on paper 50 × 65 cm 1966 國立臺灣美術館藏 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts Collection -- 該作於《中南半島行腳畫集》中之作品名為《送水節》,於該書中之引文如下:「取材自柬埔寨民俗,當五月湄公河水落,百姓聚一國之佛,送水為國王沐浴,巫師祭祀天地,舞姬為王祝福。」 The work is entitled Water-Spilling Festival in May, 1967 in the Painting Trails of Indo-China, with the description that reads: “The work draws its source from Cambodian customs: in May when the Mekong River drops to its lowest level, people will gather at temples, bringing water to bathe their king, the priests praying to heaven and earth, and the dancers presenting blessings to the king.”