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序曲 - 中國文化大學景觀學系第 38 屆畢業設計

中國文化大學 景觀學系


烹溪月 — 南港舊庄茶園再造
烹溪月 — 南港舊庄茶園再造


烹溪月 — 南港舊庄茶園再造


南港舊莊,為文山包種茶之發源地,由「在地農民精神」為出發點,藉由當地既有的茶園景觀與自然資源,及包種茶歷史發展背景優勢,強化地方文化,將既有的地方產業文化與新興活動型態結合,形成獨立且友善環境的生產及消費良性循環圈,提高經濟及生態環境皆能永續發展的可能性。 Nangang Jiuzhuang Old Village, the birthplace of Wenshan Baozhong tea, takes the "local peasant spirit" as the starting point. To strengthen the local culture and well combine the culture and emerging activities, forms an independent and environment-friendly circle of production and consumption takes advantage of the existing tea garden landscape ,natural resources and the historical development of Baozhong tea as its background. Enhance the possibility of sustainable development of both the economy and the ecological environment.