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序曲 - 中國文化大學景觀學系第 38 屆畢業設計

中國文化大學 景觀學系


稻此逸遊樂悠悠. - 八仙六代園農場規劃設計
稻此逸遊樂悠悠. - 八仙六代園農場規劃設計


稻此逸遊樂悠悠. - 八仙六代園農場規劃設計

連凰羽/ 高瑞璘

稻此逸遊樂悠悠. - 八仙六代園農場規劃設計 Free And Leisure. - BA XIAN LIU DIA YUAN Farm Planning And Design 八仙六代園位於台北市北投區的關渡平原,是一座以種植水稻為主的農場,其景觀視野良好,希望能將當地特色自然人文特色融入基地,並以三生環境、五感體驗、都市農耕等元素為目標,計畫規劃出一個能吸引大臺北地區中的遊客走進關渡平原,了解當地之人文歷史、自然生態等資源,打造一個在臺北的特色農業公園,並帶給消費者農業與生態農業的知識、放空休息的環境,以及豐富的跨域體驗,增加民眾對於都市型農業公園的想像及期待,透過實際參與以及實作,支持在地友善耕作及水稻田的價值被其他都市民眾看見,喚醒人們對環境保護的意識及對台北最後一片水稻田的重視,也創新北投當地農業及創造一個台北都市圈放鬆休憩的新選擇。 BA XIAN LIU DIA YUAN Farm is located in Guandu Plain, Beitou District, Taipei City. It is a farm mainly for rice cultivation. It has a good view of the landscape. With the goal of urban farming and other elements, the plan is to plan a project that can attract tourists from the greater Taipei area to enter the Guandu Plain, learn about the local cultural history, natural ecology and other resources, create a characteristic agricultural park in Taipei, and bring consumers The knowledge of agriculture and ecological agriculture, the environment for free rest, and the rich cross-domain experience increase people's imagination and expectations for urban agricultural parks. Through actual participation and implementation, support local friendly farming and the value of paddy fields. Other urbanites saw that it awakened people's awareness of environmental protection and the importance of the last paddy field in Taipei. It also innovated local agriculture in Beitou and created a new option for relaxation and recreation in the Taipei metropolitan area.