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Painted Identity of a Homeland

Chiayi Art Museum

Li Bai's Poem: Pavilion of Xie Gong
Li Bai's Poem: Pavilion of Xie Gong


Li Bai's Poem: Pavilion of Xie Gong

Chu Fu-Ting

This work is excerpted from the second couplet of Li Bai's pentasyllabic regulated verse " The Pavilion of Xie Gong," a sentimental piece of writing in which he is bidding farewell to a friend and reminiscing about the memories of the past. Chu Fu-Ting has taken this couplet describing the beautiful scenery of spring and autumn and transformed the original melancholic meaning of the verse into an optimistic one, which is in keeping with his intention to be restrained and free-flowing. Chu Fu-Ting Calligraphy on paper 99x29.2cmx2 1974 Collection of Mr. Lee Huo-Yen