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Painted Identity of a Homeland
Chiayi Art Museum
Painted Identity of a Homeland
Chiayi Art Museum
About the Curation
Chiayi Art Museum
The Chiayi Art Museum is built upon the arts and culture characteristics of Chiayi, City of Paintings. Since the preparation period, it has been rooted in the "Preserving and promoting the value and glory of Chiayi, City of Paintings," "Incorporating creativity of aesthetics, art and culture into daily lives and education," "Enriching content of a cultural city in Chiayi" and diverse art development, shaping its important characteristics as an urban art museum. Therefore, the planning of exhibitions and performances takes into account the art history, content characteristics and city character, and takes the contemporary perspective for professional curation and art and culture activities to showcase the works and creation of past artists from the Japanese colonial period and contemporary artists, crossing the boundary of era, region and forms of works. Contemporary dialectics are brought into exhibitions, collections, research, promotion of education, publications and various events, enabling people to examine, search and understand the past from today's daily life and culture perspectives, and creating new perspectives to re-examine and explore our environmental and social issues.