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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系





X/Y主要以《CYBERPUNK》這個近未來文化作為設計主軸,其中闡述的社會階級不平等引起的衝突等遭遇,從過去到現在仍不斷的發生在這個世界上。 為了緩解衝突,最佳的方式是透過時間沖淡一切紛爭,將雙方的對立弭平,以此作為設計的核心。讓虛幻的故事背景實體化,把當中的社會對立重新思考、設立屬於產品的故事,做出最貼近使用者的時間用品「腕錶」。 材料是利用改善木材非均質特性的直交集成材,與感觸截然不同的金屬結合呈現在腕錶系列中,並利用光線來突顯木材的特色,最後以模組化的部件設計,讓使用者能更輕易搭配出自己的風格。 - X/Y mainly takes the near-future culture of "CYBERPUNK" as the design axis, and the encounters such as conflicts caused by social class inequalities described in it are still happening in this world from the past to the present. However, the best way to alleviate conflicts is to dilute all disputes through time, smooth out the opposition between the two sides, rethink the social opposition, create a story belonging to the product, and materialize the illusory story background as the core of the design , to make a timepiece "watch" that is closest to the user. The material is an orthogonal laminated lumber that improves the heterogeneous properties of wood, and is presented in the watch series in combination with metals with different touches, and uses light to highlight the characteristics of wood. Finally, the modular component design allows users to more easily match your style.