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國立屏東科技大學 木材科學與設計系

自閉症兒童療育教具 - ASWD-A Starry Wooden Doll
自閉症兒童療育教具 - ASWD-A Starry Wooden Doll


自閉症兒童療育教具 - ASWD-A Starry Wooden Doll

蔡沂儒, 周嘉紜 - Tsai,Yi-Ju, Chou,Chia-Yun

全球的自閉症人數呈遞增的趨勢,且自閉症無法經由開刀或吃藥來治癒,因此設計了可以運用在早期療育上的輔助教具,自閉症孩子在早期普遍有前庭覺失調問題,對搖晃和旋轉的東西具安心的感覺,因此產品以不倒翁為基底去做玩法之各種變化,也能作為一般的互動式玩具,供家長及老師與孩子有更進一步的交流, 在面對不同特性的孩子也能依不同的方式來做使用,是多功能又具可塑性的教具。 - The number of people with autism in the world is increasing, and autism cannot be cured by surgery or medicine. Therefore, we designed aids that can be used for early treatment. Children with autism generally have vestibular disorders in the early stage. It has a feeling of peace of mind for shaking and rotating things, so the product is based on a tumbler to make various changes in the gameplay, and it can also be used as a general interactive toy for parents and teachers to have further communication with their children.Face to the children with different characteristics, they can also use it in different ways to used,it's a multifunctional plasticity teaching aid.