Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) 在與 BAYC 相同的概念下生成,一共有 20,000 隻,其中 10,000 隻藉由空投突變血清 (Mutant Serum) 贈予原 BAYC 擁有者,另外 10,000 隻則以 3 ETH 進行公開銷售,公開發行不到一小時即銷售一空。空投的突變血清分為三種 : 會繼承原始猿猴特徵的 M1 和 M2、以及稀有但也最難以預料突變成果的 Mega Mutant (M3)。此次徵集的編號 8509 號與編號 26474 號突變猴皆為 M1 血清下的突變種。
The MUTANT APE YACHT CLUB is a collection of up to 20,000 Mutant Apes that can only be created by exposing an existing Bored Ape to a vial of Mutant Serum or by minting a Mutant Ape in the public sale.
The Mutant Serum vials come in three different types: M1, M2, and Mega Mutant (M3). If a Bored Ape is infused with an M1 or M2 Serum will retain all the traits of the original ape. The M3 Serum makes something else with surely more uncommon, more significant and more unpredictable attributes. MAYC #8509 and #26474 in this auction are both injected with M1 serum.
特徵 ( 稀有度 ) Traits (Rarity)
BACKGROUND: M1 Army Green (9%)
CLOTHES: M1 Bone Necklace (2%)
EYES: M1 Heart (3%)
FUR: M1 Brown (10%)
HAT: M1 Prussian Helmet (1%)
MOUTH: M1 Phonene Ooo (2%)
來源 Provenance
Acquired from the above by the present owner
智能合約地址 Smart contract address
ERC-721, minted in 2021