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嶺東科技大學 創意產品設計系

Demeter-山地農作載具 - Demeter-Mountain Farming Vehicle
Demeter-山地農作載具 - Demeter-Mountain Farming Vehicle


Demeter-山地農作載具 - Demeter-Mountain Farming Vehicle

陳膺志, 賴泓凱, 簡銘緯, 游彥辰 - Chen,Ying-Zhi, Lai,Hong-Kai, Jian,Ming-Wei, You,Yan-Chen

山地道路崎嶇且顛簸,以往的載具車難以適應,導致容易翻覆造成危險,因此改善了輪胎與山地之間的貼合性,降低翻覆次數,提高糧食運輸速度,並且減少農民攜帶大量用具在身上的危險及搬運的勞動傷害,車上平台放置箱體,可依每次農作時期所需不同用具替換市上現有的公規箱子,前後輪連動符合全地形可爬坡,利用遙控器操作,避免人在車上危險,同時使用充電電池減少碳排放,當電池電量剩20%時,白燈會轉換成紅燈提醒充電。 - The mountain roads are rugged and bumpy, and the previous vehicles were difficult to adapt to, resulting in danger of overturning. Therefore, the fit between the tires and the mountains has been improved, the number of overturns has been reduced, the speed of grain transportation has been improved, and farmers have reduced the need to carry a large number of utensils on their bodies. The hazards and labor injuries caused by handling, the box is placed on the platform of the car, and the existing standard boxes on the market can be replaced according to the different tools required for each farming period. People are dangerous in the car, and at the same time use rechargeable batteries to reduce carbon emissions. When the battery power is 20%, the white light will turn into a red light to remind you to charge.