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國立臺灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts

感染系列:共棲 Infection Series: Commensalism


感染系列:共棲 Infection Series: Commensalism

莊志維 Chih-Wei CHUANG

2019 尺寸視場地而定 dimensions variable 冷陰極燈管、植物、電子裝置、油漆顏色(中國風情)cold-cathode fluorescent lamp, plant, electronic device, painting color (Chinese Sensation) 作品介紹: 《感染系列》概念來自疾病在家人、朋友身上相繼發生,那些不正常的細胞和外來的病菌在體內大量的增生和流竄,隨著時間增加,也漸漸的佈滿,面對這般無法控制的勢力形成,也只能任由它們佔領。這些微生物迅速的擴張,大量的攻城掠地,從一變成二,再分裂成四、十六⋯⋯,以等比級數的方式複製繁衍;對於生物來說,這或許是延續生存的一種原始方式,但對於被寄生感染的生命體來說,卻也是逐漸走向死亡。 人類面對疾病如地球之於人類、環境之於科技,或是如兩異大小、強勢弱勢文化,彼此互相侵略以強迫獲取的方式,只是為了延續發展。作品《感染系列:共棲》藉由人造燈管與植物時間的生長變化,在兩異材質的關係之間呈現美麗又殘忍的曖昧關係。 藝術家介紹: 1986 年生於臺灣臺中,目前居住於臺北。 畢業於臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所和交通大學建築所。有著藝術與建築背景的莊志維,擅長運用光和空間創造互動裝置,探討人與環境之間的相互關係,至今於創作歷程中仍不斷追尋跨領域間的揉合,呈現理性與感性並存的藝術美學。2014 年獲選至東京Tokyo Wonder Site 創作駐村,2019-2020年臺中國家歌劇院駐館藝術家。受邀參加東亞當代藝術展( 釜山市立美術館)、台灣美術雙年展、韓國平昌雙年展、東京六本木之夜。 Work Statement: Infection Series owes its inspiration to the illnesses afflicting the artist’s family and friends. Those abnormal cells and pathogenic bacteria proliferate and go into every corner of the human body over the course of time. Confronting such an uncontrolled expansion, we can do nothing but let them occupy our bodies. These micro-organisms increase rapidly and reproduce in geometrical progression, as if they were taking cities and seizing territories. This is probably a primitive survival strategy for microorganisms, yet it portends the demise of their hosts. Biography: Born 1986 in Taichung, Taiwan and currently based in Taipei. Chih-Wei Chuang earned his master’s degrees from the Department of New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts and the Graduate Institute of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University. As an artist with a background in architecture, Chuang excels in utilizing light and space to create interactive installations that delve into the interrelationship between humanity and the environment. He has been pursuing a perfect fusion of different disciplines, in which his artistic aesthetics that reconciles sense and sensibility finds expression. He worked as an artist-in-residence at the Tokyo Wonder Site in 2014 and at the National Taichung Theater from 2019-2020. He has also been invited to present his works at “Botanica: East Asian Contemporary Art Exhibition” (Busan Museum of Art), “Taiwan Biennial”, “Pyeongchang Biennale” (South Korea), and “Roppongi Art Night” (Tokyo). 攝影:ANPIS FOTO 王世邦。國立臺灣美術館提供。 Photographer: Anpis Wang. Courtesy of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts.