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機器會夢見 NFT 嗎? ─ 台灣首檔加密藝術收藏展



〈最後的晚餐〉 Last Supper


〈最後的晚餐〉 Last Supper

張明曜 Ming-Yao Chang

張明曜是台灣視覺藝術家,過去以實體創作為主,現在積極投身非同質化代幣的鑄造,在人工智慧生成網站Pixray的協助下,完成大量作品。「最後的晚餐」為其著力甚深的系列,以特殊身段活動的經典人物在此被重新扭曲,賦予鮮豔的紋路。〈最後的晚餐〉空無一人,徒留桌椅和餐具,不只在意義上回應了古典文本,更在視覺上凸顯了機器生成的可能。 “Last Supper” is a series in which he invested much of his efforts. The classical figures in special postures are reorganized and bestowed with colorful patterns in the series. Last Supper is presented with no one but the table, chairs, and tableware. It serves not just a meaningful response to the classical text but also a highlight on the machine generated possibilities visually.