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裸 nudes
裸 nudes


裸 nudes

湯瑪斯.魯夫 Thomas Ruff

1999 – 感光相紙彩印輸出 網路色情相片,經數位影像處理調整 大約 1998 年時,湯瑪斯.魯夫一方面開始著迷於裸體攝影,另一方面則進行電腦生成、像素構成的抽象照片實驗。透過網路,深入研究裸體攝影領域,魯夫發現色情影像比整個藝術裸體類型來得更加坦率。這些影像因為極低的解析度(72 dpi),於千禧年前後在網際網路上的「縮圖圖庫」裡即可免費取得,其像素結構近似於魯夫已在進行中的實驗。他決定將網路影像以同樣方式處理,使影像放大後也只能大致辨識像素結構,然後輸出到相紙上,但影像本身經動態模糊和柔焦、調色處理,也移除唐突的細節。如此一來,他將這些「猥褻」影像覆上一層如畫般的樣貌,聚焦在影像的結構與構圖。魯夫以構圖、光線、顏色或身體姿態等條件,加上捕捉今日各式各樣性幻想與性行為的欲望,作為挑選影像來源的考量。 1999 – Chromogenic color prints Porno photos from the Internet, changed using digital image processing Around 1998, Thomas Ruff began to become preoccupied with nude photography on the one hand and to experiment with computergenerated, abstract pictures comprised of pixels on the other. Through Internet research into the genre of nude photography, Thomas Ruff came across the field of pornography, which he basically found more honest than the entire genre of the artistic nude. Due to the poor resolution (72 dpi), these images – feely available at the turn of the millennium in "thumbnail galleries" in the World Wide Web – had a pixel structure that resembled the one he had already been experimenting with. He decided to process the Internet images in such a way that the pixel structure was only just barely visible when enlarging the images and printing them on photographic paper, but changed them by using motion blur and soft focus, modifying the coloring, and removing intrusive details. In doing so, he lent the "obscene" images a painterly appearance and focused on the structure and composition of the image. The selection of source images was based on such considerations as composition, lighting, coloring, or the staging of the body, as well as the desire to cover the wide range of presentday sexual fantasies and practices. 此系列作品內容涉及裸露之畫面,為尊重原創予以保留並完整呈現,12歲以下兒童建議由親師陪同觀賞。 This series may contain subject matters of nudity, which are preserved and presented in full out of respect for originality. Children under 12 should be accompanied by a parent or adult.