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國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系-TR!PLE

國立雲林科技大學 工業設計系


戶外導流設施設計 Ourdoor diversion facilities design
戶外導流設施設計 Ourdoor diversion facilities design


戶外導流設施設計 Ourdoor diversion facilities design


全球氣候異變,極端氣候和暴雨的頻率日益增加,傳統的排水設施已無法負荷驟降的豪雨。我們希望能打造出符合未來氣候趨勢的儲水整合設計。一系列的導水涼亭及座椅設計,搭配地下水庫及管線,下雨時能成為導水管道及集水據點,平時則為公共休憩區地標,設施上設有休憩區、洗手區和遮蔽空間,讓大家一起參與到雨水回收再利用的成果,其餘再生水則可供應在清潔、沖馬桶、灑水、消防等用水需求上,讓雨水再生水能發揮最好的價值。 The frequency of extreme climate and heavy rain are increasingand the traditional drainage facilities can no longer withstand the heavy rain that plummets.We have designed integrated water storage facilities that meets future climate changes.A series of water diversion pavilions and seat designs,can become water diversion pipes and water collection bases when it rains, and usually is a landmark of public recreation areas, with rest areas, handwashing areas and sheltered spaces on facilities, so that everyone can participate in the results of rainwater recycling and reuse, The rest of the recycled water can be used for cleaning, toilet flushing, sprinkling, firefighting and other water needs, so that the recycled rainwater can be used to its best advantage.